
It’s nice to have close friends and family you can ( ), but it lifts a huge weight off your shoulders when you know that you could survive on your own if you had to.

A.cope with B.count on C.conform to D.commit to

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Asbestos exposure results in mesothelioma, asbestosis and interna, organ cancers, and ( )of these diseases is often decades after the initial exposure.

A.offset B.intake C.outlet D.onset
s="" note="" of="" caution,="" he="" never="" (="" )from="" drinking="" and="" smoking.'>

Despite his doctor's note of caution, he never ( )from drinking and smoking.

A.retained B.dissuaded C.alleviated D.abstained
s="" plan="" b”.Plan B involves making sure we have large scale geoengineering technologies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth's thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing.Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change.Whatever we do now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.1.To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ( ).2.As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ( ).3.It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is ( ).4.Earth's Plan B is ambitious enough ( ).5.Which of the following statements are the supporters of “Earth’s plan B” for?'>

Despite the numerous warnings about extreme weather, rising sea levels and mass extinctions, one message seems to have got lost in the debate about the impact of climate change. A warmer won’t just be inconvenient. Huge swathes(片)of it, including most of Europe, the US and Australia as well as all of Africa and China will actually be uninhabitable一too hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population.This is no mirage. It could materialize if the world warms by an average of just which some models predict could happen as soon as 2050. This is the world our children and grandchildren are going to have to live in. So what are we going to do about it?One option is to start planning to move the at-risk human population to parts of the world where it will still be cool and wet. It might seem like a drastic move, but this thought experiment is not about scaremongering (危言耸听).Every scenario is extrapolated from predictions of the latest climate models, and some say that may actually turn out to be a conservative estimate.Clearly this glacier-free, decertified world—with its human population packed into high-rise cities closer to the poles—would be a last resort. Aside from anything else, it is far from being the most practical option: any attempt at mass migration is likely to fuel wars, political power struggles and infighting.So what are the alternatives? The most obvious answer is to radically reduce carbon dioxide levels now, by fast-tracking green technologies and urgently implementing energy-efficient measures. But the changes aren’t coming nearly quickly enough and global emissions are still rising. As a result, many scientists are now turning to “ Earth's plan B”.Plan B involves making sure we have large scale geoengineering technologies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth's thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing.Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change.Whatever we do now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.1.To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ( ).2.As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ( ).3.It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is ( ).4.Earth's Plan B is ambitious enough ( ).5.Which of the following statements are the supporters of “Earth’s plan B” for?

A.the likelihood of climat

It is known that some ways of using resources( ) can destroy the environment as well as the people living in it.

A.recklessly B.sparingly C.sensibly D.incredibly

In this part there is an essay in Chinese. Read it carefully and then write a summary of 200 words in English on the ANSWER SHEET. Make sure that your summary covers the major points of the essay.


近几十年来,许多国家的流行病学(epidemiology)调查资料都表明,不少传染病的发病率和死亡率在不断下降,而癌症的发病率和死亡率却在不断上升。城市居民癌症和心血管疾病的发病率明显高于农村居民。大量的调查研究表明,癌症等疾病的发病率上升都与环境污染有关。由于环境污染对人体的作用一般具有剂量小、作用时间长等特点,所以容易被人们所忽视。往往病发之日,尚不知谁是元凶。环境污染就像邪恶的阴影,悄悄吞噬着人体的健康。肺及呼吸道是一个开放器官,与外界直接接触,外界很多致癌因素都可以导致肺癌。环境污染就是导致肺癌的一个重要原因。环境污染中最为重要的就是大气污染。大气污染的许多学者惊奇地发现,近50年来,随着工业和经济的发展、人们生活水平的提高,肺癌的发病率也显著提高,特别是世界经济发达地区的患者成倍地增加。例如,美国的病人在50年中,男性增加了18倍,女性增加了6倍。每4名癌症死亡病例中,就有1名是肺癌患者;每100名死亡病人中,有5名死于肺癌。就我国情况看,也有明显增加的趋势。上海市卢湾区1971年比1952年死亡率增长9.65倍;北京城区1975年比1958年死亡率增长2. 5倍。从全国恶性肿瘤排列顺序来看,肺癌占第5位;每100名癌症病人中,大约有8名是肺癌患者。肺癌是最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,据WHO统计,每年全球估计有120万以上新发肺癌病例,死亡约110万人,平均每隔30S就有人死于肺癌。近年来,我国肺癌发病率及死亡率亦不断上升。国内外流行病学研究报吿称,大气污染易诱发肺癌而使死亡率增高。在公认的大气污染物中,颗粒物与人群健康效应终点的流行病学联系最为密切。把颗粒物对健康的危害做定量评价,近年来已成为WHO、欧盟等国际机构关注的热点之一。美国规定可吸入颗粒物(PM10)的日均值及年均值分别为0.15与0.05 mg/m3,我国1996年颁布的GB3095 — 1996规定PM10的二级标准日均值为0.15 mg/m3,年均值为0.10 mg/m3。1997年,美国国家环境保护局(EPA)率先推出PM2.5标准,严格规定日均值为0.065 mg/m3,年均值为0.015 mg/m3。PM10与PM2. 5都可增加患肺癌的危险。美国的研究表明,硫酸盐、硝酸盐、氢离子、元素碳、二次有机化合物及过渡金属都富集在细颗粒物上,而Ca、AI、Mg、Fe等元素则主要富集在粗颗粒物上,它们对人体的影响不同。PM2.5对人体的危害比PM10大,已成为环境空气控制政策的新目标。随着交通的发展、机动车辆的增加、环境的日益破坏,PM2.5污染越来越严重。研究发现,大气中PM2. 5在总悬浮颗粒物中的比率逐年增加,沉积在下呼吸道的96%颗粒物是PM2.5。城市大气中PM2.5主要来自于交通废气排放(18% ~54%)及气溶胶二次污染(30% ~41%)。综上,我们可以看出环境污染与我们的健康有着重要的关系。我们必须全力以赴保护环境,因为保护环境就是保护自己!

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