
It is true that never in human history so many people were (A)so often and so much exposed to(B) so many intimations about societies, forms of life, attitude other(C) than those which (D)they obtain in their own local societies.

A.were B.exposed to C.other D.those which

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Oil can change a society more( )than anyone could ever imagined.

A.uniquely B.drastically C.delicately D.severely

In the course of the evolution of birds from reptiles, there was a( )of changes in the bone, muscles, and skin structures of the animals.

A.rotation B.succession C.session D.suspension

Is it true that the company is going bankrupt? I didn’t mean to eavesdrop what you said. I just ( )it.

A.overcame B.overwhelmed C.overheard D.overlooked

A good way to ( ) a language is to live in the native culture with the native speakers.

A.require B.acquire C.inquire D.sustain

Agriculture was a step in human progress ( )which subsequently there was not anything comparable until our own machine age.

A.in B.for C.to D.from
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